
CLASSIX.INI persistent

Making meta data from CLASSIX.INI persistent

The essential meta data from the ClassiX® initialisation file:

  • Layout of the logical database - described by enumerating all business classes combined with information on how persistent objects of these classes are to be stored in the database (which physical database, which segment, control of clustering ...).
  • the system dictionary - it contains the description of potential dynamic data fields, additional information on "normal" data fields and information on index formation.

can also be stored persistently in the database. The initialisation file is reduced to a reference to the physical database, which provides this information and some other specifications possible in CLASSIX.INI.

The same applies to the tables for enumerations and discrete values. These can also be edited either as a text file (see notes on syntax). The ClassiX® system loads the table from the ASCII file if required. Or the tables are stored persistently in the database.

The following functions of the object manager are responsible for saving the meta data: